Saturday, May 2, 2015

Choice 3: John 2. Water to wine and Cleansing the Temple.

John 2
Water to Wine and Cleansing the Temple

Reading John 2 we get to read of The Master's very first miracle. According to the Institute manual we also learn that Jesus was no social outcast or recluse at this point in life, he and his family were involved in the social scene of his day. By looking at the Joseph Smith translation we also get insight into the respect Jesus had for his mother when he asks her, "Woman, what wilt though have me do for thee? That will I do."  Because of this exchange I think we can also see that Mary was impressed that it was the time for Him to begin His mortal ministry. I honestly don't think she was that concerned about the lack of wine at the wedding, but she was blessed with understanding that then was the moment Jesus was to begin His work as the Christ. 

Now, in John 2:4 Jesus address His mother Mary as "woman." To the modern reader this sounds disrespectful but according to both Greek linguistics and the Joseph Smith translation the word woman used in this context would be equivalent to  Jesus caller her Lady. Suddenly this disrespectful sounding line becomes a term of endearment and respect.

Later on in the chapter we read of Jesus cleansing the temple. He called the people not to make his Father's house a house of merchandise. I think this can be applied to each of us in modern times. We should not attempt to make fiscal gain by exploiting the desires of the people around us in their search for understanding of the higher power.

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