Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Premortal and Mortal Savior

John 1:1-14 and 17:1-5

Five Truths of the Pre-mortal Savior:

1. Christ was a glorified being, like God, before coming to earth.
2. In the beginning Christ was with God
3. All things were made by Christ
4. Before coming to earth He already was the life and light to men
5. The "Word" is Jesus

Five Truths of the Mortal Savior:

1. Jesus Christ was sent to earth by God the Father.
2. He was given power over flesh that He could give eternal life to all mankind.
3. Christ glorified God during His time on the earth and completed the work set out for Him.
4. He came into the world, unto His own, and they knew Him not.
5. Christ will return to the glorified state He was in before He descended to the earth.

* One note I found interesting while completing this activity was in the first verse of John. I"n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In the LDS Institute Manual in the Commentary for John 1 we read that the Greek word for...word was logos, meaning "expression". Jesus was the word/expression of God to the world. Christ was the messenger for God and declared His word. 
Cool stuff!


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