Friday, May 8, 2015

Choice #3: Calling the Twelve Apolstles

1.  Research into three of the twelve original apostles.

Simon Peter: The very first word listed with his name in the Bible Dictionary is "Rock" in reference to Matt. 16:13-19 where we find the foundation of the papal claims. (Catholic claim to papal infallibility).

Judas Iscariot: Potter's Field was bought with the money returned by Judas to the chief priests in Matt. 27:3-10.

Philip: Practiced baptism by immersion just like John the Baptist which symbolizes death, burial, and resurrection.

2. Definition of an apostle.

Acts 4:33 - Witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Doctrine and Covenants 107:23 - "special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world"
Bible Dictionary, Apostles - Special witness of Christ, especially of His divinity and resurrection. Title usually applies to those specifically called to hold the office but in the New Testament others are referred to by this title.

Apostles are called of God and hold a very high and important office. They are special witness's of Jesus Christ. The BD defines the words as meaning, "one sent forth". These men are "sent forth" throughout all the world to stand as witnesses of Christ's holy calling. The word witness means someone who has seen something. In my Book of Mormon class in another semester my teacher defined an apostle as being someone who has had a personal experience with Jesus Christ, whether that means they saw, or heard Him, these men are "special witnesses". They have experienced things most people cannot even begin to comprehend.

3. Matt. 10:4-53

In these versus Jesus gives council and charge to the Twelve Apostles. They are commanded to go into the world and specifically to the gentiles. the Twelve were not called to teach the Jews and Christians, just as Christ, the physician, was not come to heal the healthy. They were commanded to go into the world taking no thought for their own preservation but to rely wholly on the mercies of God. In verse 8 Christ says he is sending them out like sheep to the wolves, and that they need to be cunning as the serpent and harmless as the dove. I have never heard this comparison before and I think it has a lot of practical application. They are also warned that they will be hated and persecuted but given the promise that if the endure to the end they will be saved.

4. Luke 5:1-11

In these versus Jesus instructs the apostles to lower their nets. Even though they had worked hard all night with no luck the men followed his council and were blessed. Simon Peter then falls to his knees and worships Jesus and calling himself a sinner. Now, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome can either be a sign of insanity or, faith in what you're doing when it is following the commandments of God.  

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