Saturday, May 16, 2015

Week 3: Choice #1 - John the Baptist

This week I have chosen to study about John the Baptist.

The readings for this activity are from Matt. 11:1-19, Luke: 7:18-35, and from the Institute Manual.

1. When the disciples of John come to Jesus they ask him saying, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?" They came to find if Christ truly was the Messiah John prophesied of.
If I was one of those two disciples I would return to John and tell him that Jesus really is the prophesied Messiah, that he has healed the sick, the blind, and the lepers, and that he praises John as being the greatest of all born of women.

2. While reading in the Institute Manual the question is raised about why John would send his people to see if Jesus really was who he claimed to be. While some might think that John was unsure of the truthfulness of Jesus' claims the manual quoting Robert J. Matthews says, "The question they were were to put to Jesus was for their edification, that for his own.". John sent his follower so that they could learn for themselves that all John taught was true and that they now needed to become followers of Christ.

3. When the disciples of John asks about Christ he takes the opportunity to testify to them of John and his faithful work. Christ says he is the greatest of all men born to women. The prophet Joseph Smith named three reasons why John is one of the greatest prophets; first, John had the greatest task given to any man other than Jesus, he has given the responsibility to prepare the way for Christ's coming. Secondly, he was also the one to baptize Jesus, and thirdly he held important keys of the kingdom of heaven on the earth.

4. In John 3:30 is says, "He must increase, but I must decrease."
I believe John was the most humble of Christ's servants ever to walk the earth. He was able to see when his work was complete, when his followers needed to become followers of Christ.

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