Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lesson 4 Choice #3: Walking on the Sea

1. Matt. 14:22-33 - The Apostles Reaction to Christ Walking on the Water.

At first the Apostles were unsettled; they knew not what was coming towards them on the water and they feared it was a spirit. The scriptures say they cried out in fear, that's how afraid they were.

2. What did Peter's Response Indicate about Him?

After the apostles initial reaction of fear Christ calls out to them and discloses his identity. After hearing Christ's voice Peter calls to him, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." Peter had such great faith that he believed Christ could  make him walk on the water. This indicates many things about Peter, but foremost his faith.

3. Matt 14:30. Why did Peter Begin to Sink?

Peter became afraid. He was distracted from his faith in Christ by the tumultuous sea and wind. When we allow ourselves to be distracted by the things of the world it is easy for us to begin sinking.

4. What Words in the Versus Describe How Christ Reacted?

The scriptures use the word "immediately". As soon as Peter cried out to Christ, he immediately stretched out his hand to save him. Even those with the greatest of faith experience doubt, but as soon as we call on the name of Christ he will be there to save us. 

5. Doctrine and Covenants 88:67

This verse and the story of Peter walking on the water share many parallels. I think the moral of both versus is the importance of having eyes, " single to [His] glory". As seen in the story, when we get distracted we sink and fall, but when we have eyes single to the glory of God we will be blessed with strength whenever we need it.

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