Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jesus is Greater Than Angels

Christ is greater than the angel's. He is the Son of God and angels are servants of the Lord and Son. He is also greater than Moses. While Moses was a faithful servant of the Lord and his people, freeing them from Egyptian rule and guiding them through the wilderness Christ is the faithful Son and therefore higher than Moses.

In the first chapter of Hebrews Paul teaches multiple truths about Christs mission here on earth. He teaches that Christ is the Son of God, that he is made in the Fathers image and that Christ created all things under the direction of his Father.

Jesus Christ was sent to this earth to make the single most powerful act of sacrifice for mankind. He came here to take upon himself the sins and pains and sicknesses of everyone who has ever lived in order for us to have the chance to repent of our sins and gain eternal life. He gave the gift of power over death. that we might all live again. 

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