Saturday, June 15, 2013

Finding Solutions in the Scriptures to Live's Challenges

This week’s assignment was to look in the scriptures to find answers to problems that arise in many members’ lives in these modern times. It is fascinating to me how many answers there are in the scriptures, that a book written so many years ago is still applicable to each of us daily. 2 Nephi 32:3 says, “Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do”. This scripture plainly demonstrates how important it is for us to take those things we learn from scripture study to direct our actions.
The assignment mentioned the habit many people have of arguing and complaining at church meetings, and throughout the week, about things that happen at church, but Philippians mentions that the saints should be on in mind, of the same accord and of one love. We should never esteem ourselves above another and realize that we are all only human.  We should conduct ourselves with humility and patience. The scriptures also share that we should “conduct ourselves blameless” that we will not be held accountable for those things done out of strife.
The second instance mentioned is the mindset many young people have that they do not need to work to gain their own testimony, that they can piggy-back off their parents testimony. However, in the scriptures we can learn that each individual has the responsibility to actively seek out, for ourselves, our own testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel. It is up to us to seek for our own salvation. The Institute Manual states, “To work out one's salvation is not to sit idly by dreaming and yearning for God miraculously to thrust bounteous blessings into our laps. It is to perform daily, hourly, momentarily, if necessary, the immediate task or duty at hand, and to continue happily in such performance as the years come and go, leaving the fruits of such labors either for self or for others to be bestowed as a just and beneficent Father may determine." (David O. McKay in CR, Apr. 1957, p.7).

The third and final instance mentioned in the assignment is the dilemma many new converts encounter, the position they are placed in when family members and friends threates not to associate with those who are baptized into the church. Though extremely difficult, the scriptures encourage us to accept the light of Christ fully into our lives. If we lose the companionship of friends and loved ones, but gaining the knowledge of Christ and receiving the blessing of the gospel is worth much more than the association of people who would bring us down. If we trust our lives to the Lord he will guide and protect us and bless us for all of our sacrifices.

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