Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Actions of Missionaries Should Complement Their Teachings

In first and second Thessalonians Paul illustrates many principles that are important when teaching the word of God.
  • Missionaries are called of God, allowed and trusted by Him to teach the gospel
  • Pray always for the people you teach
  • Always remember their faith, love and patience of hope in the Lord
  • Allow the spirit to testify and bear witness while teaching
  • Never seek after the glory of men
  • Teach with gentleness and kindness
  • Labor diligently that they may not be held accountable for the people. 
1 Thessalonians 2:10-11 states, "Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblame-ably we have behaved ourselves among you that believe: As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged everyone of you, as a father doth his children".

This scripture bears witness to the righteous ways Paul and his apostles taught gospel doctrine. It is so important for missionaries and all members of the church to conduct themselves as righteous examples at all times. Missionary work is one of the greatest works we, as Latter-Day Saints, are called to do, both as full-time and member missionaries. We are so blessed to have the chance to teach those we come in contact with everyday just by being kind and compassionate, serving and living charitable lives. Paul was faced with adversity every step of the way on his mission yet he always held himself with dignity and reacted to conflict as an apostle of God.

In April of 1972 Milton R. Hunter spoke in general conference about The Miracle of Missionary Work. In his talk he states,
"Why this modern miracle of missionary work?
First, this extensive missionary work is carried forward because those people who serve as missionaries and those who give them their financial support have strong testimonies in their hearts that they belong to Christ’s true church, which he restored on earth in 1830. They are positive that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church in the world which possesses God’s holy priesthood, his true doctrines and ordinances, and the power to bring people into celestial glory to dwell with their Creator. And so they go on missions in order that other people may receive the gospel and share the same joy and blessings that they have.
Second, the modern miracle of extensive missionary work occurs because in several revelations Jesus Christ commanded that it be done. For example, he commanded Church members as follows:
“Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, acting in the authority which I have given you, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
“And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned.” (D&C 68:8–9.)". 

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we have such a rich heritage in the gospel. We are blessed to be led by a Prophet of God who receives inspiration and guidance for the church. we have the opportunity and responsibility to share these blessings with all those we come in contact each day. Full-time missionaries cannot be the only ones to share the gospel. As members we should be proactive in our endeavor to bring all men unto Christ.

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