Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Martyrdom of Stephen

I've created this blog as a way to respond to assignments for my New Testament class at Brigham Young University- Idaho.  This class focuses on the second part of the New Testament, after the gospels. I feel like a have a fairly secure grasp on the storyline and the principles taught in the gospels, but have a very limited knowledge of what happens after Christ was resurrected. I am so excited for the opportunity to study the teachings and gospel doctrines presented in this latter half of the Bible.

 The reading this week was comprised Acts chapters 1-12.
From the reading I learned a number of things that have stuck with me throughout the week. One of my favorites is in chapter 5: 29, "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than man". I love how plainly Peter teaches that despite  what the world tries to tell us is right and good we have the responsibility to our Heavenly Father to uphold his teachings "at all times, in all things and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9). I also had the chance to learn about a character in the Bible with whom I was not very familiar, Stephen. At a time when the number of disciples were growing, the Twelve Apostles called seven other men who were righteous and full of the Spirit  to minister to the people (Acts 6:1-3). Stephen was one of these men. Verse five says that he was a man, "full of faith and of the Holy Ghost". Verse eight testifies of his many great and marvelous works among the people.

However, Stephen, like many of the Lord's most faithful servants, met his end at the hands of the wicked. His final words account the blasphemy of the wicked, their persecution and murder of many of the Lord's servants and well as the Savior Jesus Christ and their rejection of the laws given to them by angels. After this the Holy Ghost descends upon Stephen and he see's the heavens open. Verse 55 says, "But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God". From Stephen's last vision of the open heavens we can learn that our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ are two separate beings. Though single in purpose, the Father and Son are two entities and along with the Holy Ghost, comprise the Godhead. After Stephen recounts his vision he is cast out of the city and stoned. Stephen was such a stout defender of the gospel and a true apostle. He truly lived what he taught. Before sealing his testimony with his blood and being stoned his final words were to ask the Lord to, "lay not this sin to their charge".

His final words are so powerful to me because of the way he lived the gospel to the very end. A true apostle, his testimony never wavered. Even though I never have and probably will never be faced with such a terrible and terrifying situation it is so hard to imagine myself in that position and to tell whether or not I would be willing to lay down my life for my testimony. Stephen's final testimony sets such an amazing example to me and I can only do my best to live my life the best I can and pray for the faith and dedication to stand up for my Savior and my testimony whenever I am called upon to do so.

The martyrdom of Stephen is actually quite similar to the martyrdom of the Book of Mormon prophet Abinadi, as told in chapter 17 of Mosiah. The two stories are similar in the way both prophets testify of the truthfulness of the gospel before the courts of justice and seal their testimonies with there blood.


The way these two men live there testimonies to the fullest and sacrifice everything for the work of the Lord means so much to me. I have so much to learn from these men. Though I will never be on the same spiritual level as them I am given opportunities everyday to set an example to those around me and to show them how I am living my testimony to the fullest.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following what you learn. So far I really like what you have posted. I am hooked to see what happens next in the bible.
    Thanks Bekah =)

    Kim McGrath
